People worshiping

No Good, Apart from You

This was the psalmist’s cry; “you are my Lord; I have no good apart from you” (Psalm 16:2)

So, now church buildings are shut, what should we do? Most people are throwing themselves into technology to make ways of creating ‘virtual church’. After all, we are commanded not to neglect meeting together. But, something niggles in all this. What if God has a purpose in all this for his people?

One reason that we create ‘virtual church’ experiences is to support God’s people; that their faith may fail without this, or even that church may fail. But that’s not God’s way. What if, without gathering together, God’s people find that it is harder to know his presence and trust in him on their own.

Jesus could have made it so that Peter would not have stumbled and denied him. But he let him fail. Peter, was told that Satan wanted to have him – we need to learn that. But Jesus said to him, ‘I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail’ (Luke 22:32). Peter did fail, but not utterly.

Why? Because Peter discovered that in Jesus, God did not fail him; underneath (to catch him) were the everlasting arms (Deut 33:27), and holding him were hands from which no one could take him (John 10:29). In discovering his weakness, he found God’s strength and his grace.

Church gatherings, physically together are good, but they can also be a prop for our weakness in knowing him. God will do everything for us to discover that even the best things in this world are not enough without him; for us to say, each of us ‘I have no good apart from you’

Are we struggling to pray, keep struggling, because he is praying for you. Are we fearful, acknowledge that, and you may hear (not as a command but as a gift) ‘do not be afraid’. Is our peace utterly shaken, cry out to him and you will hear (and know), ‘My peace, I give to you, not as the world gives’

Is there no time in the day because of home schooling and living on top of one another. Or, is there too much time in the day, and we are listless in our loneliness and fear; Wherever, whenever, however we can, let us turn to him who is calling us; “Come unto me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28)

There is no technological solution to our need for him [though I appreciate the irony of posting this online]