Revd Peter Sharpe

An Ordained Ministry in the Church of England


Ministry is just a Church word for service

I am both more (and probably less) than just a Minister in the Church of England; now retired. However, this site is an attempt to concentrate on that part of my life and calling that relates to Church – and not just the Church of England

And, just to be clear, Church, is the people of God (the body of Christ), not the building in which they may meet.

Ministry Experience

I am ordained in the Church of England, but that is only part of my church life and experience. Church is much bigger than any denomination.

I came to faith in my late teens and my first church was a Baptist Church, that grew into a large charismatic church. I have been part of a traditional evangelical Parish Church (CofE); trained in an ecumenical setting; did my curacy at an anglo-catholic church; served as Rector, and as Rural Dean, in a variety of churches; and now look after three rural-coastal parishes in the Diocese of Truro.

In all these settings I have found God at work, and a people with who I could worship him in Spirit & truth

My Core Values

Its’s probably important to say something about my values as they affect my church ministry