Getting Dressed Appropriately for Coronavirus

Colossians 3:12–17

In this time of Coronavirus, more than ever, we need to heed these words of from Colossians

The things that God calls us to are feelings, but they are also choices. You can put them on just as you chose what to wear when you get up each day. God is calling us to make the choices that he makes and put on Christ, in:

Compassion means thinking of how others are feeling and putting their interests before your own. Kindness means treating others as you would have them treat you. Gentleness means treating others perhaps better than they deserve, recognising their vulnerability. Meekness or Humility knows that the world does not revolve around us.

And Patience (bearing with one another and forgiving one another) is an antidote to our frustrations and pride. We put frustrations and pride off when we clothe ourselves with Patience, Bearing-With and Forgiving one another.

Love binds all these together. And we are, as Paul reminds us, “Holy and Beloved”. Those who have been chosen and loved by God should, above all people, know what it is to love … as we have been loved.

When the world around us is panic-buying, ignoring good counsel because they think that they are invincible, whatever the risk to others; When families locked in together, working from home and trying to teach their children at the same time; when some are left all alone and forgotten … we need to heed these words.

But it is not easy, and we will need to feed our hearts and minds if we are going to be able to do this. So, we must keep making time to read God’s word and let it really settle in our hearts and minds. We must keep making time to worship God, with thankfulness and love – feeding on his goodness and truth in a time when it may seem less real in our world.

So, as we live in the context of the Coronavirus, much more we must seek to live in the greater reality of Jesus Christ. The virus will pass, he is eternal. The virus may harm and even kill, but it cannot extinguish the life of Christ in you.

We may think that in these times the world is facing the consequences of its reckless disregard for God’s goodness and truth, but God is still in charge, still working his purposes of love and grace out in our world. And this, even this, he will work for good for those who love him. Jesus is Lord!

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