Church Challenged – Some Thoughts

What is it that God is doing as he shakes the Church free from its lethargy and its slavery? We are being challenged to change and grow. It may seem like pressure from the world or finance, but God is in it – even if it feels like we are leaving comfortable behind to go camping in the desert.

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Isaiah 43:18–19 (ESV)

What is it – this change that God is leading us into – in our setting, with our people; and what is it in the wider church? If we cant identify something of what it is about with any clarity, it is difficult to know how to move towards it or encourage others to do so.

Some general thoughts may make a start:

  • Brick-Making – In Egypt the people were burdened by brick-making, which was becoming harder as their resources were diminished – we need to release the church from brick-making to the ministry Jesus has given us.
  • Change is to do with us – the people who are the church now. God may add others, but the fundamental change is in us and from us – these actual people
  • Change means Leaving – Leaving behind (i.e. Ending) some of the things and ways we have been used to. It probably means leaving, before what replaces these things and ways is apparent
  • Change involves Grieving – as things and ways die there will be grief and a sense of loss. We need to recognise this, allow space for it and understand that people will feel this differently
  • Change involves Discovery – we are being called to discover (or rediscover) some important thin
    • God’s real purpose in gathering us to himself as church
    • God’s particular grace in each one of us – every part of the building/body is important and plays a part.
    • The power of God in each of us (Holy Spirit) to be and make what God is calling forth
    • What Membership of Christ’s body means
    • New ways of Leadership – the priesthood of all the saints


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